

« 南沙黄埔海关通关手续手续简单的国际货运 »


我司主要承办上海及其他口岸的内、外贸海运、空运和铁路国际联运进出口货物的国际运输业务。包括:揽货、订舱、仓储、中转、集装箱的拼装拆箱、运杂费的结算、国际航空快件、报关、报验、保险及其相关的短途运输服务和咨询业务. 我司主要在美国线、加拿大线、北欧各基本港、地中海各基本港、中东线、南美线、西非线和日本、韩国、香港、台湾等航线上都有优惠的运价和操作优势。此外,我司还配备了提供24小时服务的仓库和集卡车队以及多名经验丰富并且能力较强的报关人员,运用先进的计算机网络管理系统,对每票货物的运输情况及单证操作进行有效的跟踪管理。在操作的各个环节上,我司都安排了具有多年经验的专业操作人员来负责,可以保证客户的货物安全即使地抵达目的地。 我司全体员工随时准备为国内外的客户提供优质、方便、快捷、节省的货运服务,力争做到“一次合作,终生朋友”!

  集装箱货物运输的出口代理业务与传统的班轮运输的货物出口大体相 同,所不同的是增加了集装箱这一环节,出现了发放和接受空箱和重箱、集装箱的装箱作业等环节,改变了集装箱货物的交接方式,制定和采用了适应集装箱作业和 交接的单证。集装箱货物运输出口代理业务的主要环节主要包括以下内容:
发货人根据贸易合同或信用证条款的规定,在货物托运前一定时间内填制好集装箱货物托运单 (Caniainer Booking Noie)或出口货运代理委托书 (Eiiirusting Order for Export Good)委托货运代理人订舱。这就是委托方提出的“要约”,被委托方一经书面确 认,意味着“承诺”,双方之间的契约行为成立。因此委托书应有委托单位签字盖章,使之成为有效的法律文件。
货运代理人填制集装箱货物委托单(场站收据),向船公司或其代理人在其所营运的船舶在截单期前办理托运订舱(Space Bookg),以得到船公司或其代理人的确认。
船公司或其代理人审核托运单,确认无误可以接受订舱后,在装货单(场站收据副本)上签章,以表明承运货物的“承诺”,填写船名、航次、提 单号,然后留下船代留底和运费通知(一)、(二)共三联;若七联单仅留船代留底联,将其余各联退还给货运代理人作为对该批货物订舱的确认,以备向海关办理 货物出口报关手续;而船公司或其代理人则在承诺承运货物后,根据集装箱货物委托单的船代留底联缮制集装箱货物清单,分送集装箱堆场和集装箱港务公司(或集 装箱装卸作业区),据以准备空箱的发放和重箱的交接、保管以及装船。
船公司或其代理人在接受订舱、承运货物后,即签发集装箱空箱提交单,连同集装箱设备交接单一并交给托运人或其货运代理人,据以到集装箱堆 场或内陆集装箱站提取空箱。而在承运人的集装箱货运站装箱时,则由货运站提取空箱。不论由哪一方提取空箱,都必须事先缮制出场设备交接单。提取空箱时,必 须向箱站提交空箱提交单,并在箱站的检查桥或门卫双方在集装箱设备交接单上签字交接,并各执一份。
发货人或其货运代理人依照国家有关法规并根据商品特性,在规定的期限之内填好申报单,分别向商检、卫检、动植检等口岸监管检验部门申报检 验。经监管检验部门审核或查验,视不同情况分别予以免检放行或经查验、处理后出具有关证书放行。如果托运危险品,还需凭危险品清单、危险品性能说明书、危 险品包装证书、危险品装箱说明书、危险品准装申报单等文件向港务监督办理申报手续。
发货人或货运代理人依照国家有关法规,于规定期限内持报关单、场站收据五至七联(七联单是二至四联),商业发票、装箱单、产地证明书等相 关单证向海关办理申报手续。根据贸易性质、商品特性和海关有关规定,必要时还需提供出口许可证、核销手册等文件。经海关审核后,根据不同情况分别予以直接 放行或查验后出具证书放行,并在场站收据第五联(装货单)上加盖放行章。
港口根据出口集装箱船舶班期,按集装箱货物的装船先后顺序向海上承运人或其代理人发出装船通知,海上承运人应及时通知托运人。托运人或其 代理人在收到《装船通知》后,应于船舶开装前5天开始,将出口集装箱和货物按船舶受载先后顺序运进码头堆场或指定货运站,并于装船前24小时截止进港。
港站集装箱堆场签发场站收据以后,将装货单联留下作结算费用和今后查询,而将大副收据联交理货人员送船上大副留存。货运代理人收到签署后 的场站收据正本,到船公司或其代理人处,交付预付运费,要求换取提单。船公司还要确认在场站收据上是否有批注,然后在已编制好的提单上签字。 集装箱提单(Combined Transport Bill of Lading)内容上与传统海运提单略有不同,应分别注明 收货地点、交货地点、集装箱号和铅封号。因为集装箱运输有其特殊性,那就是货物的交接一般不在船边,故场站收据换来的提单大多是备运(待装)提单。根据 《跟单信用证统一惯例》,除信用证另有规定外,备运(待装)提单银行可以接受,若要将备运(待装)提单转化为已装船提单,必须在提单上打上船名及“已装 船”批注,并经承运人或其代理人签章和加注日期。因此,目前常见的用于集装箱运输的提单,除正面明确表示 “Received in apparent good order and condition……”外,还在正面下端设有 “Laden on Board the Vessel”装船备忘录栏,以便根据信用证要求,在必要时将备运提单转化为已装船提单。

As the leading enterprise in domestic freight industry, in the domestic various ports and inland cities, relying on more than two hundred freight network organization and cosco group global service network, providing China exported to the americas, Europe, Africa, Oceania, and Asia Pacific's major ports and inland cities of export container booking, transportation, customs clearance, cargo insurance and other transport services.
Container transport of goods export agency business and the traditional liner shipping goods with exports in general, the difference is increased the container this link, the issue and accept and &heavy empty containers, container vanning, changed the way of container cargo handover, formulated and adopted to adapt to the container operation and handover of the documents.The main steps of container transport of goods export agency business mainly includes the following contents:
(1) freight and commission
Consignor according to the regulation of trade contract or the terms of the l/c, a period in which Good before shipment container cargo consignment note (Caniainer Booking Noie) or Export shipping agent a power of attorney (Eiiirusting Order for Export Good) entrusts freight agent Booking."Offer", this is the principal the trustee once written acknowledge, means "promise", the contract between the both sides behavior was established.So the power of attorney shall be entrusted signature and seal of the unit, make it become the effective legal documents.
(2) booking stowage
Freight agent to fill the container goods orders (gate-in terminal), to the shipping company or their agents in the operation of the ship before the cutting of single phase check booking (Space Bookg), in order to get the confirmation of shipping company or its agent.
Shipping company or its agent the consignment note, after can accept booking confirmed, on the shipping orders (copy of dock receipt) signature, to indicate that carry "commitments", fill in the name of vessel, voyage, number, and then leave the ship generation purpose and shipping notice (a) and (2) the joint;If seven duplicate leaving the ship generation purpose, to return the rest each LianTui cargo agent for the shipment booking confirmation, in case the goods export declaration formalities to the customs;And the shipping company or their agents are promised after carrying goods, according to the container goods orders ship generation purpose of filling container cargo list, distribute container yard and container harbor company (or collection of container loading and unloading section, which prepare of empty &heavy transition, storage and shipment.
(3) to extract the empty container
Shipping company or its agent after accept booking, transport of goods, container equipment despatch list, namely issued to the shipper or its container equipment receipt along with the shipping agent, which to the container stack yard or inland container station to extract the empty container.While in the carrier's container depot case, by extraction empty container freight station.Regardless of which side extract, empty containers must be made out in advance equipment receipt.Extraction of empty containers, shall submit a single, empty containers shall be submitted to box stand and check in box bridge or the guard both sides sign the container equipment interchange receipt, and each hold one copy.
(4) inspection, customs declaration
1. The commodity inspection
Shipper or its shipping agent in accordance with the relevant state laws and regulations and based on the characteristics of goods to fill out the declaration form within the prescribed time limit, respectively to the commodity inspection, all relatived inspections, quarantine and other port supervision inspection department application test.By the regulatory audit or inspection, inspection department respectively according to different situation or after inspection, treatment shall be exempted from inspection release issued by the relevant certificate of release.If shipper of dangerous goods, still need by the dangerous cargo list, performance specifications of dangerous goods, dangerous goods packing certificate, packing specifications of dangerous goods, dangerous goods must declare formalities declaration form and other documents to the harbour superintendency administration.
2. The customs clearance
Shipper or cargo agent in accordance with the relevant state laws and regulations, customs declaration within prescribed period of time, dock receipt five to seven league (seven duplicate is two to four league), commercial invoice, packing list, certificate of origin and other documents to the customs offices for handling the formalities of declaration.According to the nature of trade, commodity characteristics, and the relevant provisions of the customs, when necessary, manuals and other documents shall provide the export license, cancel after verification.After the customs audit, respectively according to different situations, issue a certificate of release shall be given directly or after inspection and the immovable in the dock receipt (shipping order) released chop.
(5) packing goods
Goods packing should be according to the freight forwarders container export salesman prepare the list of container dock planner, in container freight station or shipper's warehouse.
(6) delivery and sign for it
Port according to export container shipping schedule, according to the container cargo shipment order the carrier or its agent shall give notice of shipment to the sea, the sea carrier should inform the shipper.The shipper or its agent after receiving the advice of shipment, should be in just five days before the ship loading, will export containers and goods according to the vessel loading sequence into terminal yard or designated freight station, port and 24 hours prior to the shipment deadline.
(7) for the bill of lading
Terminal container yard dock receipt issued later, will be clearing fees and shipping order and leave the next query, and the mate's receipt to tally personnel sent chief retained on the ship.Freight agent after receiving the signed original dock receipt, to the shipping company or their agents, prepaid freight, delivery requirements for the bill of lading.Shipping company to confirm if there is a notation on the dock receipt, and then sign in the preparation of good bill of lading.Container of the Bill of Lading, Combined Transport Bill of Lading) content on a slightly different with the traditional Marine Bill of Lading, shall indicate the place of receipt, delivery place, the container number and seal number.Because the container transportation has its particularity, that is the handover of the goods is not in the boat, so the dock receipt for most of the bill of lading is ready (to) the bill of lading.According to the uniform customs and practice for documentary letter of credit, except as otherwise provided in the l/c, prepare shipment (to be) a bill of lading bank can accept, if equipment is to be transported into (to be) a bill of lading on board b/l, must be on the bill of lading on board and annotate "ship" has been shipped, and approved by the carrier or its agent signature and the date of filling.Therefore, the current common used for container transport bill of lading, in addition to the positive made it clear that "Received in apparent good order and condition......", but also on the front bottom is equipped with the "Laden on Board the Vessel" shipping memo column, so that in accordance with the requirements of the l/c, if necessary, will prepare shipping b/l into on Board b/l.
(8) the container shipment
Container import business
Guangzhou hacker international is responsible for the China regional ports and inland points of import container transportation business.Relying on the coscon service route and overseas marketing network all over the world, to provide customers with shipping space booking, transportation, transit, warehousing, customs clearance, insurance, to door transport goods such as one-stop service.
Container transport of goods import agent mainly has the following main link.
(a) commissioned
(2) to discharge
(3) for bill of lading
(4) inspection
(5) apply to customs
(6) the unloading connection box
(7) pick up the goods delivery
(8) the cost of container transportation

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