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我们能为客户提供全中国以及亚洲主要港至中南美和加勒比海区域的优质整柜价格服务。 确保货物能给狗按照客户要求以高效经济的方式完好得到达目的地。 中南美的国际海运进出口是我们的核心业务, 目前我们在中南美各国建立广泛性的海外代理网络, 可以确保我们的服务延伸到中南美洲以及加勒比海的每一个角落。 我们的网上运价平台极大得便利了客户的价格查询, 现在越来越多的客户已经习惯了我们的运价查询, 这已经不断增加了长远的月订舱量。
空运服务长远的团队有着多年的专业空运操作经验。2015年, 公司承运每个月200吨的空运货量, 主要目的地是哥伦比亚, 墨西哥,巴西,智利和利马。 承运的货物包含电子产品, 手机配件,布料以及鞋子原材料等。 立足于一般贸易出口, 满足搭建货物成本时效等空运业务需求。个性化的的报关出口,既满足了深圳本地报关机场起飞, 同时也满足深圳起步, 香港机场报关起飞的不同需求。
货物清关长远与各港口最专业的报关企业建立紧密的合作,可以安全高效得解决客户的进出口清关要求。特别是在出口报关上,我们有着丰富的的出口工作经验,可以为客户提供详尽得出口报关单证。我们也可以为客户代办保险,原产地证,熏蒸等进出口必要单证In April 2012,East Shine Shipping established in its first office in Shenzhen. Today, Eshine has expanded its branches in ports of Shanghai, Guangzhou, Xiamen and Qingdao.

“Focus on Latin America”-- This is the strategy when the founders decided to establish Eshine. Through the years, the company has developed an outstanding reputation in the industry. Today Eshine has grown from a company with staff member of 5 to the present of 120. And each year we send 40000tues to whole Latin America. Such achievement is mainly attributable to the quality services providing by Eshine’s professional staff.

We have established long term relation with shipping line such as COSCO, MOL, CMA and MSC. This enables us to provide all-round services from Far East Asia to Latin America.

Eshine always insist the philosophy “Reliable, Efficient” and the principle “Clients First”, to provide satisfied logistics solution for all clients.

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